1007 Blossom Hill Road

1007 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95123
Approved 271 Units Jemcor Development Partners


H21-020 Approved

Site Development Permit to allow the demolition (approx. 11,275 square feet) of an existing commercial building (Fish Market) and the construction of a seven-story building, with five-stories of multi-family 100% affordable residential housing units (271 units) over a two-story parking garage, and removal of 26 ordinance-size trees and 35 non-ordinance size trees on an approximately 1.85-gross acre site. The project includes density bonus incentives and waivers for a reduced rear setback/stepback, reduced private and common open space, exception from the Green Building Ordinance, and exception from REACH Code electric vehicle parking infrastructure requirements.