PRE21-019 Complete
Focused Preliminary Review for the demolition of existing single story retail building to allow construction of a six-story, 189 unit 100% affordable multifamily building with 2,000 square feet of commercial space.
MP22-014 Approved
SB 35 Ministerial Permit to allow for the demolition of the existing Chuck E Cheese restaurant totaling approximately 19,400 square feet and construction of a 7-story, 100 percent affordable housing apartment building consisting of 191 residential units, of which 38 are set aside as Rapid Rehousing Units and 2 are for managers, a 2-level parking garage with 161 parking spaces, State Density Bonus request for one concession (reduction in private open space and building stepback) and one waiver, and the removal of 8 trees of which 6 are ordinance size trees, on a 1.62 gross-acre site.
AD24-698 Under Review
Permit Adjustment to an approved SB 35 Ministerial Permit (MP22-014) to change colors and materials to the west wing of the building from rust colored standing seam metal siding to light grey/green grey cement plaster with textures; change stairs from vertical longboard slats to horizontal longboard siding; change colors and materials to north side of courtyard to stucco and low sloped roof rather than gable parapet with metal siding; change youth center on third floor to an outdoor tech shelter; add backup diesel generator and CMU walls to Dellwood site of site; increase common open space from 22,152 SF to 23,247 SF; update total parking count to 128 parking spaces; move entrance to ground-level garage 65 feet north to provide separation from the second-floor garage ingress/egress (vehicles enter/exit on the EVA); remove gate at EVA and add bollards.