1655 Berryessa Road

1655 Berryessa Rd, San Jose, CA 95131
Approved 850 Units Berryessa Properties

In the news

“San Jose affordable housing development could sprout near BART stop.” Mercury News, January 28, 2025.


PRE25-023 Under Review

To request preliminary feedback on modifying an existing Planned Development entitlement to allow 100% residential.

H24-017 Under Review

Development Permit Application to allow for the construction of up to 62 dwelling units in nine buildings on an approximately 2.09-net-acre site.

T24-007 Under Review

Vesting tentative Map to subdivide 1 lot into 9 lots for 62 condominiums

PRE23-240 Expired

SB330 preapplication to construct up to 344 units ranging from townhomes, condos apartments and single family homes

PRE23-180 Complete

SB330 preliminary application for 62 multifamily attached townhomes in approximately 9 buildings

PD22-022 Withdrawn

Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of a seven-story residential building with up to 105 residential condominium units on an approximately 1.15-gross acre vacant site

PD21-009 Approved

Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of the first phase (Blocks A, B, and C, including 24 detached single family homes and 24 attached townhome units), and a Master Plan to establish a general site layout, public and private street layout, grading & drainage patterns and utility layout, and the future construction of up to 455,000-square feet of commercial space, a 0.91-acre park, and up to 850 residential units, including on-site affordable units, and the demolition of an existing light industrial facility (9,740 square feet) and surface parking lot, and the removal of two ordinance-size trees and 96 non-ordinance trees.

PDC18-036 Approved

Rezoning from the LI Light Industrial and A Agricultural Zoning Districts to the R-M(PD) and CP(PD) Planned Development Zoning Districts to allow up to 455,000-square feet of commercial office space and up to 820 residential units on a 13.05-gross acre site.