259 Meridian Avenue

259 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA 95126
Under Review 154 Units Milestone Housing Group


PD19-011 Withdrawn

Planned Development Permit to allow the removal of nine non-ordinance sized trees, the demolition of three existing buildings totaling approximately 19,000 square feet and the construction of a five to seven-story mixed-use building with up to 241 residential units and approximately 1,400 square feet of ground-floor commercial on an approximately 1.3 gross acre site

PRE23-166 Complete

SB 330 preapplication for 6 story building with 154 units

MP23-007 Under Review

AB 2162 Ministerial Permit to allow demolition of three commercial buildings totaling approximately 15,520 square feet, and construction of a 6-story, mixed-use project consisting of a 100 percent affordable rental building consisting of 154 residential units (including 39 PSH units and two manager units), and approximately 6,600 square feet of commercial space for a daycare use. The project also includes the removal of ten (10) non-ordinance size trees and SDB waivers (6) and concessions (2) from various development standards, on a 1.37-acre-site in the West San Carlos Street (East) Urban Village.