2628-2638 Union Avenue

2628 Union Ave, San Jose, CA 95124
Withdrawn 220 Units Maracor Development


PRE19-179 Complete

Enhanced Preliminary Review, with architectural plans, to receive staff feedback regarding redevelopment of an existing 2 acre commercial strip shopping center with a mixed use vertical 5-story, commercial ground level and 4-stories of residential, with 15% of residential units being affordable which is located in the NCC General Plan Land Use designation.

PRE22-142 Complete

Enhanced Review for the redevelopment of a commercial site into a 6 story, 280-unit, 100% affordable housing rental project with ground floor commercial space and a parking garage

SP22-031 Withdrawn

Special Use Permit to allow the demolition of an existing shopping center totaling approximately 23,810 square feet and the removal of eight non-ordinance-size trees for the construction of a 100% affordable (up to 80% AMI), six-story, 220-unit multifamily residential building with State Density Bonus concession for private open space and a waiver for common open space on an approximately 2.31-gross acre site.