380 N 1st Street

380 N First St, San Jose, CA 95112
Under Review 118 Units MSASA Properties LLC


PRE18-089 Complete

Enhanced Preliminary Review request with architectural plan(s) (including a Inter-Departmental Meeting, Enhanced Public Works Review, and Fire and Building Review) for a "Signature Project" comprised of a 8-story mixed-use project with 32,240 square foot of commercial/office space, 2 levels of underground parking, and 71 residential units which is located in the Neighborhood/Community Commercial General Plan Land Use designation.

PRE22-171 Complete

Enhanced Preliminary Review for the demolition of a candidate landmark structure and construction of an 118-unit multi-family residential building on a 0.49 gross acre site

H23-007 Under Review

Site Development Permit to allow the demolition of an approximately 12,000-square-foot commercial building and the removal of 20 trees (including 10 ordinance-size trees) for the construction of a seven-story, 118-unit multifamily residential building with a parking podium that includes 74 vehicle parking spaces on an approximately 0.49-gross acre lot. The applicant is providing six units (5%) affordable to very-low-income households and is requesting one development standard concession for reduced private open space and three development and design standard waivers to eliminate the side lot line landscape buffer, eliminate required building stepbacks, and eliminate required screening of outdoor utilities within 30 feet of the public right-of-way, under the state Density Bonus law.