4300 Monterey Road

4300 Monterey Rd, San Jose, CA 95111
Approved 240 Units Pacific West Communities

In the news

“Financing Secured for Affordable Housing at 4300 Monterey Road, San Jose.”SF YIMBY, June 20, 2024.

“Hundreds of affordable homes may sprout on empty San Jose lot after loan deal.” Mercury News, June 12, 2024.


PRE24-355 Complete

Focused Preliminary Review to amend previously approved Site Development Permit Amendment HA20-024-01 to remove two residential buildings containing 126 units and replacing them with four enclosed parking stacker structures and a surface parking lot (197 parking spaces) on a 2.31-gross-acre site.

HA20-024-01 Approved

SB 35 Streamlined Ministerial Permit Amendment to decrease the number of units from 426 multi-family units to 366 multifamily units; reduce the height of the buildings from approximately 76 feet, 6 inches to approximately 70 feet, 6 inches; change the phasing line of the project to allow the construction of Buildings A and B in Phase I and Buildings C and D in Phase II; include an eight-foot masonry wall with a two-foot vinyl topper (total 10-foot height) on the southerly property line; and make minor materials changes to and slightly relocate the central drive aisle on a 2.29- gross-acre site. This project is exempt from parking requirements due to the State Density Bonus Law, and three State Density Bonus Law concessions (building height, common open space, and private open space) are granted.

H20-024 Approved

***CONVERTED FROM CP20-018*** SB 35 Ministerial Permit to allow mixed-use project with 1,075 square feet of retail and 426 affordable, residential units on a 2.29-gross acre site.

CP20-018 Withdrawn

***CONVERTED TO H20-024*** SB 35 Ministerial Permit to allow mixed-use project with 3,035 square feet of retail and 438 affordable, residential units on a 2.29-gross acre site.