486-498 West San Carlos Street

486 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95110
Approved 272 Units Urban Catalyst


SP20-019 Approved

Special Use Permit to allow the demolition of existing structures and the removal of three ordinance-size trees for the construction of a multi-family residential building (8 stories) with 3,315 square feet of active use space and 184 residential units, including 5% affordable units for very low income residents, including podium parking with a mechanical lift system within the Diridon Station Area Plan. Density Bonus summary: • 184 units total, 5% restricted for VLI • No Density Bonus request • No Density Bonus parking reduction • Incentive: Increase Height from 65 feet to 85 feet

SPA20-019-01 Approved

Special Use Permit Amendment to allow an increase to the unit count to 272 units from previously approved Special Use Permit (File No. SP20-019 for an eight-story multifamily residential building with 184 residential units), including 14 units (5% of total) affordable to very low-income households, with changes to the Density Bonus Application to remove the building height incentive and add a parking incentive, without any changes to the approved building envelope or building height.

SPA20-019-02 Approved

Special Use Permit Amendment to allow an increase in unit count from 272 units to 278 units, with no changes to the 5% affordable units (14 units) provided, parking, the commercial square footage, or the exterior design on an approximately 0.83-gross acre site.