Republic @ Blossom Hill

605 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Approved 239 Units Republic Urban


SP20-012 Approved

Special Use Permit to allow the development of a Signature Project per Policy IP-5.10 of the San Jose General Plan, including the demolition of existing surface parking, the removal of 55 ordinance-size trees and 14 non-ordinance trees, and the construction of one six-story mixed use building with 13,590 square feet of commercial space and 239 market-rate multi-family residential units and one five-story multifamily residential building with 89 affordable housing units, with trail improvements to Canoas Creek Additional policy review for Riparian Corridor and extended construction hours This project is proposing 19% VLI units and qualifies for three incentives. They are requesting the following three incentives: 1. Reduction in private open space 2. Reduction in the commercial square footage 3. Allow for more affordable material alternatives such as stucco and cast trim pieces (Signature project requirement for high-quality materials)

TE20-012 Under Review

Tentative map extension for previously approved Tentative Map (T20-012)