675 East Santa Clara

675 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA 95112
Approved 214 Units Eden Housing


MP23-008 Approved

SB 35 Ministerial Permit (MP23-008) for the partial demolition of a commercial building (16,965-sf), construction of three, 100% affordable residential projects: a 5-story, senior housing development with 64 units, an 8-story, multifamily development with 114 apartment units, and 36 for-sale, attached townhomes; a request for State Density Bonus (5) concessions and (20) waivers (from various development standards), and the removal of 90 trees, including 15 ordinance-size trees, on an approximately 3.10-gross-acre-site.

PRE20-134 Complete

Enhanced Preliminary Review to propose the construction of four new buildings: one office building with an adjacent parking structure (A-1); two 8-story multifamily residential buildings (A-2, A-3); and one 5-story senior housing building (A-4). There are approximately 360 units of affordable housing included in the three residential buildings. The office building is primarily for the Santa Clara Housing Authority and will feature a ground floor Customer Service Center, ground floor retail, and a public plaza that opens up to East Santa Clara Street. This project intends to exercise AB 1763 and SB 35.