SP22-004 Approved
Special Use Permit to allow the demolition of an existing two-story commercial building (21,454 square feet), the removal of 15 trees (three ordinance-size and 12 non-ordinance), and the construction of a new six-story multifamily residential building with podium parking and 198 residential units, including either 5% of the units restricted as affordable to very-low income households or 10% for low-income households, subject to the State Density Bonus Law, with alternative parking (mechanical lift stackers), a 14-foot-wide Privately-Owned Public Open Space (POPOS), and associated landscaping and amenities. Density Bonus - None. Incentive - Eliminate commercial square footage requirement of 0.75 FAR Waiver - Reduce minimum paseo width from 16 feet to 14 feet per Section 2.3.3, Standards S1 requirement of the Citywide Design Guidelines