860 West San Carlos Street

860 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95126
Approved 263 Units Republic Urban


PD15-035 Approved

A Planned Development Permit to allow for the construction of a 268-unit multi-family residential building, 71 feet in height, on a 8.4-gross acre site, designated as 'Block C'.

PDA12-013-02 Approved

Planned Development Permit Amendment to allow the removal of 48 trees (34 ordinance-size, 14 non ordinance-size) decrease the height of a previously approved mixed-use residential tower from 14 stories to 12 stories, increase the podium apartment from four stories to six stories, and allow an alternative parking arrangement (puzzle lift) on an approximately 2.17-gross acre site. The project includes two development options: Option A: Up to 263 units (38 studio units, 165 one-bedroom units and 60 two-bedroom units) and up to 13,000 SF of retail space. Total building square footage is approximately 480,000 square feet Option B: 251 units (147 one-bedroom units, 93 two-bedroom units, 5 three-bedroom units, and 6 townhouses) and up to 13,000 SF of retail space. The total building square footage is approximately 439,000 square feet.