905 North Capitol

905 N Capitol Ave, San Jose, CA 95133
Approved 345 Units Hanover


H21-015 Approved

A Site Development Permit to allow the demolition of an existing single-family residential building and two accessory structures, the removal of 10 ordinance-sized trees and 24 non-ordinance-sized trees, and the construction of a 7-story mixed-use building consisting of 345 apartment units and approximately 3,000 square feet of office space with one level of underground parking and a parking reduction on a 2.12-acre site (APN 254-29-028), and to allow the removal of 6 ordinance-sized trees and 2 non-ordinance-sized trees, and the construction of four three-story, 8-unit townhouse buildings on a 1.35-acre site (APN 254-29-026).