Almaden Apartments

2080 Almaden Rd, San Jose, CA 95125
Approved 80 Units Affirmed Housing


PRE20-155 Complete

Enhanced Preliminary Review for the removal of a dilapidated single family home and the construction of an 80 unit 100% affordable multifamily building.

MP22-004 Approved

SB35 Ministerial Permit to demolish a single-family residence and ancillary structure, and allow the construction of a 6-story 100 percent affordable apartment project consisting of 80 units, including 39 supportive housing units, and a manager's unit, and removal of 35 trees, including 16 ordinance-size trees, and a State Density Bonus for 24 density bonus units, one concession and four waivers, on an approximately 0.59 gross-acre site.