PRE16-196 Complete
Comprehensive Preliminary Review for a project consisting of multifamily residential, townhomes, two hotels, retail, and an assisted living facility on a 17.1-gross acre site located in an unincorporated area of the Santa Clara County at the southeast corner of Union and Camden Avenues, commonly known as Cambrian Park Plaza Shopping Center.
PD20-007 Approved
Planned Development Permit to allow the demolition of 170,427 sf of existing commercial strip mall and surface parking lot, the removal of 17 ordinance-sized trees and 34 non-ordinance trees, and the construction of a mixed-use project including the following: * Building 1 - 50,990 sf of retail/restaurant use on the ground floor and 305 multifamily residential units on the upper floors * Building 2 - 229 hotel rooms and 4,610 sf of commercial use * Building 3 - 125,740 square feet of assisted living (110 beds) and 50 senior independent living units * 25 townhouse residential units and 48 single-family homes, including 27 accessory dwelling units (ADUs) * 4.0 acres of open space * 94 surface parking spaces, 1,012 underground parking spaces, and 146 garage parking spaces for a total of 1,252 parking spaces
AD24-588 Approved
Permit Adjustment to allow a one-year time extension of a Planned Development Permit (PD20-007) approved on November 2, 2022, which has an expiration date of November 2, 2026. This extension is granted for the term of November 2, 2026 to November 2, 2027. This is the first of two one-year extensions allowed per Condition #2 of the approved permit.