El Paseo de Saratoga

1000 El Paseo de Saratoga, San Jose, CA 95130
Approved 772 Units Sand Hill Property Company


El Paseo de Saratoga by Sand Hill Property Company proposes a 4-building mixed-use urban village with 772 units, a 263-bed senior care facility, and a Whole Foods grocery store all on a 10.76 acre site.

Buildings 1 and 2 provide 772 total units and offer 29,00 square feet of retail space. Of the available units, 39 (5% of the total) are designated affordable to households earning 100% of the Aerea Median Income. Building 3 is a single-story entirely commercial space, a large part of which is set aside for a Whole Foods grocery store. Building 4, located on the other side of Saratoga Avenue from the other 3 buildings, is a senior care facility. Site designs also include a new public park and paseo.

El Paseo de Saratoga was originally approved by San José’s City Council on June 21, 2022. The current iteration of the project was approved on December 10, 2024.

City Website (Archived from the original on December 12, 2024.)


PDA20-006-02 Approved

Planned Development Permit Amendment to allow changes to Buildings 1, 2, and 4 in the approved El Paseo Signature Project. The amendment includes the following: Building 1 - Construction of a 12-story, 126-foot-high, mixed use building consisting of 398 multifamily residential units and 14,139 square feet of commercial space. Building 2 - Construction of a 10-story, 103-foot-high mixed use building consisting of 374 multifamily residential units and 17,447 square feet of retail space. Building 4 - Construction of a 7-story, 80-foot-high, approximately 230,305 square-foot, 263-bed, residential care and memory care facility. This Planned Development Permit Amendment also authorizes up to 20 commercial condominium units pursuant to the associated Vesting Tentative Map (File No. T24-010).

PDA20-006-01 Approved

Planned Development Permit Amendment for the El Paseo de Saratoga Signature Project Building 3 to remove residential uses, reduce the building height to one-story with 58,370 square feet of commercial space, and reconfigure the underground parking garage on an approximately 10.6-gross acre site.

PD20-006 Approved

Planned Development Permit to allow the demolition of 126,345 square feet of existing buildings and the removal of 121 ordinance-sized trees for the construction of 994 multifamily residential units, 165,949 square feet of commercial space, off-sale of alcohol (Type 21 ABC License), and hours of construction beyond 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday on an approximately 10.6-gross acre site.

PDC19-049 Approved

Planned Development Rezoning from the Commercial General and Commercial Pedestrian Zoning Districts to a (CG)PD Planned Development Zoning District for up to 994 residential units and up to 165,949 square feet of commercial space on an approximately 10.6-gross acre site.