H21-050 Approved
Site Development Permit to allow the demolition of four residential buildings (a 12-unit multifamily residential building, a 28-unit multifamily residential building, and two single-family residences) totaling 42 units, the removal of 10 trees (two ordinance-size and eight non-ordinance-size), and the construction of a six-story mixed-use building with up to 235 units (100% affordable) and approximately 820 square feet of commercial space and associated basement garage parking, landscaping, and amenities, located on an approximately 1.49-gross-acre site. The project utilizes the State Density Bonus Law for its parking ratio and to exceed the allowed height, and State Density Bonus Law provisions are granted, including one waiver (unlimited density) and four concessions (floor area ratio, building stepdowns, minimum width of private open space, common open space).
H22-012 Approved
Site Development Permit to allow the removal of five ordinance-size trees, and the construction of four, ten-story mixed-use buildings with a combined total of up to 633 units (20% affordable (127 units) deed-restricted units) and approximately 11,437 square feet of commercial space with associated parking and landscaping, located on an approximately 2.79-gross-acre site. The project utilizes the State Density Bonus Law parking ratio, and State Density Bonus Law provisions are granted, including two waivers (commercial floor area ratio, orientation of residential units along Five Wounds Trail) and two concessions (maximum height, vehicle parking).
PRE23-00139 Approved
Site Development Permit to allow the removal of 11 trees (one ordinance-size and 10 non-ordinance-size) and the construction of a six-story mixed-use building with up to 45 units (100% affordable) and approximately 2,454 square feet of commercial space with associated parking and landscaping, located on an approximately 0.52-gross-acre site. The project utilizes the State Density Bonus Law to exceed the allowed height, and State Density Bonus Law provisions are granted, including three concessions (requirements for commercial space, building stepdowns, and common open space).