Parkmoor HUB is under construction. You can view the developer’s website here.
MP21-004 Approved
SB 35 Ministerial Permit to allow the construction of an 81-unit, 100% affordable multi-family development with a 17,000-sf of social services (Parkmoor Hub Youth Center), a 31-space parking garage and 37- space surface parking, including the removal of 24 ordinance-size and 14 non-ordinance- size trees, including State Density Bonus incentives for noncompacted soil design requirement, private/common open space, and a reduced setback from Meridian Avenue, on an approximately 1.62 gross-acre site.
PRE21-105 Complete
Enhanced Preliminary Review to demolish four (4) existing office buildings, to construct one (1) new 5 or 6 story building for supportive housing (83 total units) and a County Social Services Agency program (the Hub), and a parking garage.