Spartan Heights

100 N 4th St, San Jose, CA 95112
Approved 298 Units RPRO152N3 LLC


H19-003 Withdrawn

Site Development Permit to allow the demolition of two (2) existing single-family dwellings, remove six (6) ordinance-sized trees and construction a mixed-use residential and commercial building with approximately 10,733 square feet of commercial and 316 units of housing (student) in a 23-story tall building with above grade parking on an approximately 0.98-gross acre site.

H19-021 Approved

Site Development Permit to allow the removal of seven trees (six ordinance-size) and the relocation of two single-family residences for the construction of a 23-story building consisting of up to 298 residential units and approximately 8,423 square feet of retail space on an approximately 0.98-gross acre site.