University Station

451 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95050
Under Review 406 Units Morley Bros.


PRE23-00139 In Review

SB330 Pre-Application for new residential development: The approximately 10.05-acre SC Project Site is located on the eastern boundary of the City. The SC Project Site abuts the city limit line between the City and the City of San Jose. Bixby proposes to develop the SC Project Site as part of a larger, integrated development on an approximately 10.96-acre property (“Project Site”), the majority of which falls within the jurisdiction of the City, with approximately .91 acres within the jurisdiction of the City of San Jose (“SJ Project Site”). Bixby concurrently is submitting an SB 330 preliminary application to the City of San Jose for the SJ Project Site, a copy of which is included with this application for context and informational purposes. Access to the SJ Project Site would be provided through the SC Project Site, via Assessor’s Parcel No. 230-09-20. The proposed housing development project would include 406 new residential units, together with related site improvements including landscaping, sidewalk and curb replacement, and access driveways (“Project”). The portion of the Project within the City (“SC Project”) would include 393 (37.4 dwelling units per acre (“DUA”)) new multiple-family dwelling units, consistent with the City’s General Plan Designation for the SC Site of Regional Mixed Use (37-50 DUA). The SC Project would provide affordable housing well in excess of the requirements of the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance in both number and affordability, assisting the City in meeting its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (“RHNA”) obligations. Specifically, 20 percent, or 79, of the residential units in the SC Project would be deed restricted for lower-income households.

PLN24-00604 In Review

Annexation of .94 acres land from San Jose to Santa Clara.

PLN24-00603 In Review

Pre-zoning of .94 acres of land currently in San Jose to be annexed to Santa Clara.