West Alma

544 W Alma Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Under Review 91 Units Resources for Community Development (RCD)


PRE23-243 Complete

Focused preliminary review to allow 92-unit multifamily affordable housing development.

PRE24-060 Complete

Enhanced Preliminary Review Request for a 100% affordable housing development project. The residential building will include 91 units, with a mix of studios, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and 3-bedroom units on an approximately 1.23-gross-acre site.

MP24-006 Under Review

SB 35 Ministerial Permit to allow the demolition of an existing approximately 5,100-square-foot commercial building, surface parking lot, and free-standing sign, and construction of a 5-story 100 percent affordable housing development consisting of 90 rental units, including one manager unit. The project applicant will utilize unlimited density for 70 bonus units and five concessions under the Density Bonus Law for the project. The project also includes the removal of 22 trees, including 9 ordinance-size trees, on an approximately 1.23- acre site. The project is located within 35 feet of a riparian corridor and includes a request for an exception to the 100-foot riparian setback pursuant to the Riparian Corridor Protection Policy (6-34).